Today’s users expect a seamless digital customer experience and personalised services. They want technology that is highly responsive and satisfies their needs at every touchpoint.

Customer experience is at the heart of the managed services model because it enables insurers to collaborate with a technology partner who can remove pain points, strengthen customer engagement, and respond swiftly to market trends.

This implies more than just day-to-day product/service delivery. An effective managed services partner will solve specific business problems, meet strategic goals, and optimise performance to create an exceptional digital customer experience. As an insurance and technology expert, Charles Taylor offers precisely this approach for managed services.

We understand the industry from the inside, know what insurers and their customers want, and apply our market knowledge and skills to the digital transformation challenges and opportunities facing all insurers today. Then we provide bespoke technology and solutions that enhance the digital customer experience across the full insurance cycle, from marketing and onboarding through to underwriting, renewals and claims.

In short, because insurance is our business, we know how to put digital customer experience at the centre of your business.

Whether supporting underwriting and policy administration, building an IT infrastructure for different business lines, or streamlining workflows and improving customer communication, our cloud-based platform is highly scalable and will integrate all the applications you need to provide a superior customer service and experience.